The weather is still not good. Global warming is really taking a revenge on us. I like the weather but it's not ideal for the summer. We were suppose to go out and do marketing to some hotels for our family business but the weather is not cooperating.
Anyway, I made some outfits in
looklet and the site is pretty awesome. But the items there are just a few so you really get to mix and match clothes.
Polyvore is nice too!
Here are some looks I made in looklet Btw, my monitor is color blind so I might have mixed some colors that look awful (but, I am keeping my fingers cross!)
This dress and the coat is really nice for a night out
You might want to remove the coat/ jacket if you're going to a bar or a party
This red jumpsuit looks effervescent
It's fun and chic
This look can be worn when you're out shopping with your girlfriendsSo there, if you don't have anything to do today try signing up and create different looks in looklet:)